Bible Tool
The Word Chapel
923 Vanderbilt St.
Birmingham, Alabama  35206
Under the same management for over 2,000 years.

Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
John 17:17

Chaplain Larry McDowell
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1. Click on the dropdown on the top left to select the bible translation you desire. There are many English translations and some foreign languages.
2. Enter the 'Bookname Chapterno:verseno' then hit Enter to move to that verse in the bible (i.e. John 1:1).
3. Click on the book rectangle top left to change the font-size larger or smaller.
4. After several lookups, you can click on the arrows at the top right to go back to a previous lookup or return.
5. Click on the circled i in the top right to get information about the translation you are using. After doing so, just click on the X in the same location to return.
6. Click on the logo, center bottom, to go to their website.

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