Our Ministries PEP - Pastor Education Program - The Word Chapel is seeking undertrained English-speaking pastors with high school degrees or the equivalent, who want more ministerial and biblical education. We are looking for those pastors who simply cannot afford a college education (or large government education debt) or cannot take the time out to pursue it at a college campus. We offer, in conjunction with McDowellBibleCollege.org, a tuition free scholarship to help medium to low-income pastors complete a degree in ministry that is fully on-line.
To get started, MBC offers a comprehensive 36 semester hour (12-course) Certificate in Ministry so that a pastor can quickly earn some higher education credentials. From there, they can continue to 2-year and 4-year degrees in Ministry. After completing the four-year program, we also offer a Master of Ministry degree, then a Master of Divinity degree. Eventually, we hope to add a Doctor of Ministry degree.
To find out more about this program, go to the Cost page of McDowellBibleCollege.org.
More will be added.