Some Words From the Pastor Christ Is the Reason for the Season
As we enter this Easter season, remember that Jesus is what we are celebrating as you travel and celebrate this season and keep your eye on the ball - your faith. We ask that you pray for McDowell Bible College as we continue ministering to new students who are pastors or otherwise provide ministry in churches and nonprofits from several countries around the world. It has long been my hope to put together a school to provided ministry training to pastors who otherwise could not afford the training. It has been several years in development, but we now have everything in place, including proprietary online classroom management software that was developed locally here in MBC. After two years of testing, we now have students learning, despite the problems of the world pandemic.
The pandemic slowed down The Word Chapel growth, but we are finally improving the website and bringing it up to previously promised standards for those who would like to visit it more often. Here are some features now being improved of the next few weeks or added.
Sermons - A weekly sermon will begin to appear once again starting the first week in Sunday. You can once again see a new service with fresh sermons allowing you to worship at home or on your travels. But remember, The Word Chapel as a place to worship is for students of McDowell Bible College, travelers and shut-ins. For church, you still need the fellowship of a regular church in your local area. We were never intended to replace a local church. Just click on Services beginning soon.
Bible Study Sunday evening beginning in December will see a bible study on the Churches of Revelation. We plan to follow that up with a study on Mark. They will be located on the website and we hope that each week you can find something new.
The Word Chapel Membership - We plan to begin open membership to the website in December. This will be followed up with an open forum on numerous subjects beginning, we hope, by the end of the month of December. The forum will be like a Christian social media site where students from McDowell Bible College and Christians around the world will be able to participate if they become members of the site.
Prayer List - We should have the prayerlist up and running soon, with members being able to post their own prayer requests anytime. I realize that as the membership grows this will get a bit bulky, so we plan to post it last in - first seen so your timely prayer request will be seen first.
Hymnal - I have started once again to add more hymns that are in the public domain to the database. I hope to develop more sing along lyric videos with music to go with them as well. So keep watching as songs are added each week.
All of these new features will be free. Remember to tell your friends about The Word Chapel, especially those who need to know more about the hope that is within you. We still have our Are You Saved? page where they can learn more about Jesus and God's wonderful Grace. As we approach the season of our Lord's resurrection, I want to wish each and every one of you blessed year. May God grant us healing around the world.
God Bless!
Larry McDowell
Pastor of The Word Chapel
Dean, McDowell Bible College