KJV Bible Statistics
The Word Chapel
923 Vanderbilt St.
Birmingham, Alabama  35206
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My soul melteth for heaviness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word.
Psalm 119:28

Chaplain Larry McDowell
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More KJV Statistics

• Books: 66
• Chapters: 1,189
• Verses: 31,102
• Words: 783,137
• Letters: 3,116,480
• Promises: 1,260
• Commands: 6,468
• Predictions: over 8,000
• Fulfilled prophecy: 3,268 verses
• Unfulfilled prophecy: 3,140
• Questions: 3,294
• Longest name: Mahershalalhashbaz (Isaiah 8:1)
• Longest verse: Esther 8:9 (78 words)
• Shortest verse: John 11:35 (2 words: “Jesus wept”). This is the King James Bible. Some Bibles might be Job 3:2 (Job said.), but King James has that as “Job answered” which is longer than Jesus wept.
• Middle books: Micah and Nahum
• Middle verse: Psalm 103:2-3
• Middle chapter: Psalm 117
• Shortest chapter (in words): Psalm 117
• Longest book: Psalms (150 chapters)
• Shortest book: 3 John (294 words)
• Longest chapter: Psalm 119 (176 verses)
• No. of times “God” appears: 4,094
• No. of times “Lord” appears: 6,781
• No. of different authors: 40
• No. of languages translated into: over 1,200

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